Comment 10 for bug 1007293

Revision history for this message
alex jordan (urgretl) wrote :

Just FYI,

I'm playing now with a fresh new vitual (VBOX) Ubuntu12.04 64bit (don't want to damage a more or less running system) and got the same behaviour with a non working nis environment. The only packages I added via apt-get are nis, autofs, tcsh, csh, nfs-kernel-server:

After a local login I did:
# ypwhich
ypwhich: Can't communicate with ypbind

I also cannot find any process (i.e. ps -ef | grep yp) which seems to be related with ypbind!

If I try to start ypbind:
# start ypbind
start: Job is already running: ypbind

But I could not see it (again looking at the snapshot of the current processes with root privilegies)!!

If i restart ypbind (# restart ypbind) process is obviously restarting and nis is running.

From my humble point of view this bug must pain a lot of Ubuntu user all over the world.