Comment 2 for bug 440440

Revision history for this message
Chuck Short (zulcss) wrote :

Looks like you suspended your computer:

Configurando samba-common (2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2) ...

root@desk:/# l

bash: l: orden no encontrada

root@desk:/# ls

bin dev initrd.img lost+found opt sbin sys var

boot etc initrd.img.old media proc selinux tmp vmlinuz

cdrom home lib mnt root srv usr vmlinuz.old

root@desk:/# resume

bash: resume: orden no encontrada

root@desk:/# exit


The application 'frontend' lost its connection to the display :0.0;

most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed

the application.

dpkg: error al procesar samba-common (--configure):

 el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 1
