Comment 38 for bug 1728012

Revision history for this message (luca-mg) wrote :

Hi staedtler-przyborski, and thank You for taking the time to further investigate the matter. Yes indeed, I did try to install the brother-udev-rule-type1 package You kindly linked, also tinkering with the various settings, and tested with a later release too, even if both weren't needed in zesty, nor in xenial (I guess that the package was required with earlier ubuntu releases), but it doesn't make any difference: the scanner is found by sane-find-scanner, but is not detected by scanimage -l, and it only works running xsane from the terminal after the 'su root' command, while 'sudo xsane' won't work at all. I'm quite sure that it's a permission issue, but I'm out of ideas as to how to fix it, and using the scanner as root is not a feasible option.