Comment 12 for bug 35990

Revision history for this message
Ming Hua (minghua) wrote :

Let's summerize:

Your settings in ~/.gnomerc is correct, and I would expect it to work. It's just overwriting the im-switch setting (which is not necessarily a bad thing). Actually I like this GTK_IM_MODULE=xim setting so much that I wrote an im-switch configuration file for it. If you use "im-switch -s scim_xim", you'll get exactly this setting as your ~/.gnomerc.

You said in the beginning of this report that your were seeing UIM in the right-click contextual menu (although you later seem to changed that), which is obviously unrelated to SCIM.

Then later you said if you run "im-switch -s scim", the contextual menu will be set to "X Input Method". According to your ~/.gnomerc setting, this is correct and expected to work. I am still curious why it didn't work, and if you are willing to continue testing, I would like to find out the reason.

In short, thing should work once you run "im-switch -s scim". After you changed you ~/.gnomerc to set GTK_IM_MODULE to scim instead of xim, things should still work, but in a different way.