Comment 12 for bug 1922293

Revision history for this message
Paweł Stołowski (stolowski) wrote : Re: Snaps appear broken on 21.04 Beta

Thanks for reporting, reproduced, the problem is indeed strictly ZFS-related and appears to be related to a number of zfs-related services and mount units that need to be ready before mount units for snaps can be executed during boot, otherwise snap blobs under /var/lib/snapd/snaps/* cannot be accessed and mounted.

Sample log entries:

kwi 06 12:44:18 pawel-virtual-machine systemd[1]: Failed to mount Mount unit for gnome-3-34-1804, revision 66.
kwi 06 12:44:18 pawel-virtual-machine mount[803]: mount: /snap/gtk-common-themes/1514: special device /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gtk-common-themes_1514.snap does not exist.
kwi 06 12:44:18 pawel-virtual-machine mount[804]: mount: /snap/snap-store/518: special device /var/lib/snapd/snaps/snap-store_518.snap does not exist.
kwi 06 12:44:18 pawel-virtual-machine mount[802]: mount: /snap/gnome-3-34

It seems that adding "After=zfs-mount.service" to snap .mount units solves it, but the fix needs to be applied in snapd that generates them as any manual changes to these files will eventually get lost anyway (also, someone with better understanding of zfs should confirm such fix is correct).

(as for Wayland issues, let's please not mix it in here, please open a separate bug report if needed, possibly adding ubuntu-desktop to it).