Comment 15 for bug 237336

Revision history for this message
Luke Plant (spookylukey) wrote :

I'm still getting this basic problem with Jaunty. The error message has changed now - instead it flashes up this:

Failed to contact Strigi indexer (Could not get owner of name '': no such name)

...before returning to "Strigi service not running"

I do have soprano-backend-sesame installed.

In my ~/.xsession-errors I've found:

[/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] nepomukstrigiservice(6705) Nepomuk::StrigiService::StrigiService: Will not start when using redland Soprano backend due to horrible performance.

And in/home/luke/.kde/share/config/nepomukserverrc I found this line:

Used Soprano Backend=redland

However, I never put that there, I don't know why it's there, and the GUI should sort this out. If I manually change it or remove it, then restart nepomukserver in a terminal, the output includes this:

(Soprano::PluginManager) loaded plugin from "/usr/lib/soprano/"
(Soprano::PluginManager) found no soprano plugin at "/usr/lib/soprano/"
(Soprano::PluginManager) found no soprano plugin at "/usr/lib/soprano/"

However, that file does exist:

$ ls -1 /usr/lib/soprano/

Also, after restarting, nepomukserverrc has "Used Soprano Backend=redland" again.

I re-opened the bug since the reason for the WONTFIX was that it was fixed in Intrepid (though it never was for me, and is still present in Jaunty).