Comment 0 for bug 357864

Revision history for this message
In , David Turner (novalis) wrote :

Often, I want to send a message that appears to come from someone else. For
example, I respond to e-mails directed to <email address hidden>, and I want
my messages to appear to come from that address. Setting the reply-to header is
nice, but it's not exactly what I want - my personal address is still associated
with WF mail.

It should be possible to change the From address, just like it is possible to
change To, CC, Reply-to, etc. It should also be possible to choose from a list
of commonly used addresses (for example, 99% of my outgoing mail will be my
primary address, <email address hidden>, <email address hidden>, or
(soon) licensing@gnu,org).

A more general version of this would allow adding/changing arbitrary headers.