Comment 40 for bug 355814

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Thomas (echidnaman) wrote :

A note on the trash config module. Placing the trash module inside Dolphin is actually a backport form trunk. The "Trash" string on the sidebar is the only string added by the patch, but apparently it didn't get translated for German in bzr. (It did for Spanish)

If you're curious, the "days" spinbox inside the trash config is actually an upstream bug:

KPackageKit (Add/Remove Programs) is also young software, and the lack of translation on its part is also an upstream issue. (We updated the translations from trunk a couple times after the 0.4 release, so we should have the very nearly latest translations)

Not quite sure about the Region and Language KCM, but apparently adding your language and hitting apply will fix that right up. (A bit of a workaround, yes...)

In any case, the translations issues are much less widespread now, and any further issues international users find should be filed as separate bug reports.