Comment 12 for bug 461470

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Paul Watkins (6-launchpad-paulwatkins-co-uk) wrote :

I've now tried the recommendation above with mixed results. After removing the dmraid package from the installer the partitioner does now correctly identify the 2x160GB as being non-RAID. However it only makes it as far as the creation of the filesystem before failing with the error that it can't create an ext4 (or ext3) file system on the target drive.

I'm beginning to suspect that there may be something genuinely wrong with the 2x160GB drives that the new version of the partitioner is more sensitive to. Does this seem reasonable?

Anyone else who is interested in modifying the install CD a good guide is here:

A couple of things to watch out for:

You need to install the most recent version of squashfs-tools. There's a deb package about if you Google search
There are 2 dmraid packages that need to be removed
Watch out for the final . on the consol command to make the modified iso