Comment 17 for bug 2050022

Revision history for this message
Grant Orndorff (orndorffgrant) wrote :

@philroche I'm not sure (: whichever one is installed by subiquity when you select "Ubuntu Server (minimized)"

According to ogayot's comment above, it looks like it is called "ubuntu-server-minimal.squashfs" and according to "unsquashfs-ubuntu-server-minimal.squashfs.log" it doesn't look like `pro` is there.

Also according to the livebuild snippet that ogayot linked to above, it seems ubuntu-server-minimal is defined as:

    add_task ubuntu-server-minimal server-minimal
    add_package ubuntu-server-minimal lxd-installer

I don't know what add_task and add_package do in detail, but I'm guessing this ubuntu-server-minimal is essentially the server-minimal seed + lxd-installer.

And according to aciba's link, the server-minimal seed does not include ubuntu-advantage-tools. That seems like a bug to me? (I'm not sure what launchpad project to add this bug to for the server-minimal seed though).

It is still also a bug that cloud-init can't install ubuntu-advantage-tools because of systemd service deadlock - we should also fix that.