Comment 8 for bug 2059952

Revision history for this message
Catherine Redfield (catred) wrote :

Test plan details:

Build image that pulls pro from -proposed. If necessary, I can expand on the exact bartender command/changes made. Upload and register the image with a cloud (GCP will be used for testing since that was where I first observed the bug and could reliably reproduce).

#Instantiate VM
$ cat userdata.yaml

  enable: []
$ gcloud compute instances create pro-order-bug-mantic --image [IMAGE_NAME] --image-project ubuntu-catred --metadata-from-file=user-data=userdata.yaml --zone us-central1-a

#On VM, validate version of pro and bugfix (services disable, no cloud-init warnings in log)
$ apt-cache policy ubuntu-pro-client
$ cat /var/log/cloud-init.log | grep 'WARNING'
$ pro status