Comment 2 for bug 1435109

Revision history for this message
Ricardo Salveti (rsalveti) wrote :

From ./.cache/upstart/ubuntu-push-client.log (with debug):

2015/03/23 14:49:51.103334 DEBUG got woken up; time is 2015-03-23 14:49:51.103221076 -0300 BRT (𝛥: 103.221076ms)
2015/03/23 14:49:51.108670 DEBUG got wakelock cookie of 239b6ccb-ea1e-4617-94ff-7569149f8188
2015/03/23 14:52:16.501222 DEBUG connectivity: timer signal, state: ConnectedGlobal, checking...
2015/03/23 14:52:16.501368 DEBUG poking polld.
2015/03/23 14:52:16.507786 DEBUG waiting for polld to signal Done.
2015/03/23 14:52:17.326528 DEBUG WatchMethod: ListPersistent(/com/ubuntu/Postal/com_2eubuntu_2edeveloper_2ewebapps_2ewebapp_2dgmail, []interface {}{"com.ubuntu.developer.webapps.webapp-gmail_webapp-gmail"}, []interface {}{(*service.DBusService)(0x9575c2c0)}) success: []string{"[]"}
2015/03/23 14:52:18.053663 DEBUG WatchMethod: ListPersistent(/com/ubuntu/Postal/com_2eubuntu_2edeveloper_2ewebapps_2ewebapp_2dtwitter, []interface {}{"com.ubuntu.developer.webapps.webapp-twitter_webapp-twitter"}, []interface {}{(*service.DBusService)(0x9575c2c0)}) success: []string{"[]"}
2015/03/23 14:52:22.039078 INFO connectivity check passed.
2015/03/23 14:52:22.039488 DEBUG connectivity: connection check says: true
2015/03/23 14:52:23.100247 DEBUG polld Done.
2015/03/23 14:52:28.106993 DEBUG requested wakeup at 2015-03-23 14:57:28 -0300 BRT
2015/03/23 14:52:28.131445 DEBUG cleared wakelock cookie 239b6ccb-ea1e-4617-94ff-7569149f8188.

See that it took more than 2 minutes for it to release the lock, and the time it spent with polld was actually small (~7 seconds). The major issue seems to be from the time it takes the wakelock until it actually pokes polld.