Comment 3 for bug 556784

Revision history for this message
Mirella Ulrich (mirella-lorenz) wrote :

Thanks for looking into this.

Attached is the debug log.

The following file should be writeable:
mirella@quadulrich:~/Ubuntu One/Shared With Me/Finanzen from Richard Ulrich$ ls -l
insgesamt 12
-r--r--r-- 1 mirella mirella 3455 2010-04-10 22:24 FamilienFinanzen.eqonomize
-r--r--r-- 1 mirella mirella 3398 2010-04-10 22:22 FamilienFinanzen.eqonomize~
-rwxr--r-- 1 mirella mirella 2732 2010-04-01 22:24 FamilienFinanzen.eqonomize.u1conflict