Comment 7 for bug 1582433

Revision history for this message
Neil McPhail (njmcphail) wrote :

Thanks for your work on this, but I'm not sure it is fixed 100% yet. For example:

$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/\ and\ Magic\ 4-5/Might\ and\ Magic\ 4-5\ -\ World\ of\ Xeen\ \(Full\ Speech\).desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Might and Magic 4-5 - World of Xeen (Full Speech)
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/neil/games/mm45/wine" wine C:\\\\windows\\\\command\\\\start.exe /Unix /home/neil/games/mm45/wine/dosdevices/c:/users/Public/Start\\ Menu/Programs/\\ and\\ Magic\\ 4-5/Might\\ and\\ Magic\\ 4-5\\ -\\ World\\ of\\ Xeen\\ \\(Full\\ Speech\\).lnk
Path=/home/neil/games/mm45/wine/dosdevices/c:/GOG Games/Might and Magic 4-5/DOSBOX

$ ag -g C399_goggame-1207 ~/.local/share/

But the correct icon does not show. Instead, I get the generic "toolbox" icon as per screenshot attached. Oddly enough, my testcase in the original posting does display the correct icon. Perhaps this is because I specify the full path?