Comment 38 for bug 683170

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Eduards Bezverhijs (mjasnik) wrote :

Hi, I'll proved complete use case. I wonder how come noone haven't provided one.

I use computer for real work in big enterprise (we kind of forked ubuntu and have our own "distro" or variant called TUbuntu) and workspaces helped me to solve all the hassle with apps. As soon there will be no support for old gnome behavior (I use 11.04 with unity removed :)), I'm starting to look at the possibilities to work efficiently with G3 and Unity. Unity suites me best. This one is really annoying in my case.

I use workspaces like this:
1-5 ar for work, 6 - mine.
*) 1 is for common things, like e-mails, company chat windows etc.
*) 2-5 are for different projects I'm working on or different parts of the same project which
*) 6th is mine, my things

Problem with all this is that I use a lot of aplications and quite a lot are the same for each workspace. For instance, Firefox, I use it to access our Oracle Ebusiness Suite environments, ususally I have like 5-7 of them opened for projects + company main one = my things. The same goes for JDeveloper, various java applets, chat windows (be it skype or pidgin/emphaty), terminal windows and so on.
In unity this is hard to differentiate them in the launcher, when I'm working on Project X I'm expecting that launcher shows me the windowses that are for that project workspace only, not my stuff or things that don't fit in the context at all, like some random game I opened on my workspace.

So my proposal is:
*) don't show icons for apps that are not on current workspace
*) pinned icons stay there all the time
*) draw a slim line in between the pinned ones and opened on demand
*) when some app wants attention, put it on the end blinking if on different WS, otherwise blink it where it is
*) make it an option as most users do not sperate their work

I hope this is not late for 12. For me this is the reason I avoid newer release of unity.