Comment 6 for bug 219546

Revision history for this message
Stephane Wirtel (OpenERP) (stephane-openerp) wrote :

1/ Install ruby and rails with gem with root access:
    apt-get install ruby rdoc ri libsqlite3-dev
    tar xfz rubygems-1.1.1.tgz
    cd rubygems-1.1.1
    ruby setup.rb
    ln /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
    gem install rails sqlite3-ruby


2/ Install the rails plugin with user access:
    git clone git://
    cp vim-rails/autoload vim-rails/doc vim-rails/plugin ~/.vim -R

3/ Create a rails application with user access:
    rails test_crash
    cd test_crash

3.1/ Create a controller for rails
    ./script/generate controller Test

    launch vim to use the rails plugin with the rails app

With the rails plugin, you have news commands, per example, if you want to go to the source code of the 'Test' Controller, you can use the command :REcontroller test
But, the rails plugin comes with auto-completion for :REcontroller, :REmodel, ... with the TAB key, but if you try with this key, there is a crash of vim, with a segmentation fault.
The auto-completion is based on the relative path of the rails application

This bug is very blocking :(

I hope you will understand my description