Comment 29 for bug 57957

Revision history for this message
quadra (info06) wrote :

OK this thread got a bit messy. As a newbie I try to summarize how I fixed my VMWare player installation (Xubuntu 7.04, Compaq Deskpro, no Atheros chipset):

===SYMPTOM=== (after VMWare player package installation. As described by saads above)

 Starting VMware services:
     Virtual machine monitor failed
     Virtual ethernet failed
  Module vmnet is not loaded. Please verify that it is loaded before
  running this script.

===SOLUTION=== (quoting Jonathan Gordon & Corey):

1. Back up: sudo cp /usr/lib/vmware-player/ /usr/lib/vmware-player/
2. Edit script: sudo mousepad /usr/lib/vmware-player/net-services.shecho done > /usr/lib/vmware-player/
       Comment out four lines as in the snip :
-- snip --
# Commented out by myself on 05-sept-07 to get vmplayer out of half-installed state
# vmware_exec 'Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet'"$vHubNr" \
# vmware_start_bridge "$vHubNr" "$interface"
                   exitcode=$(($exitcode + $?))
                elif [ -n "$hostaddr" -a -n "$netmask" ]; then
                   vmware_create_vmnet "$vHubNr"
                   vmware_bg_exec 'Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet'"$vHubNr" \
                      vmware_start_hostonly "$vHubNr" 'vmnet'"$vHubNr" \
                      "$hostaddr" "$netmask" 'yes'
                   exitcode=$(($exitcode + $?))
                   eval 'nat="$vmdb_answer_VNET_'"$vHubNr"'_NAT"'
                   if [ "$nat" = 'yes' ]; then
# vmware_exec 'NAT service on /dev/vmnet'"$vHubNr" \
# vmware_start_nat "$vHubNr"
                      exitcode=$(($exitcode + $?))
-- snip --
3. Complete installation: sudo dpkg --configure -a
    (script may prompt to overwrite 4 files, choose no)
4. Restore: sudo cp /usr/lib/vmware-player/ /usr/lib/vmware-player/

As experienced by Bensin, step 3 first failed: I got the same error again. So I fiddled around with the packages, I added other vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.XX.XX-X using synaptic. I repeated step 3 and magically somehow it worked on the 3rd attempt - I could finally start VMWare player from the apps menu.

Would be great if this could be fixed soon, since it's not quite encouraging for beginners... (I need VMWare in an early stage as I intend to use it for a smooth migration from Windows to Linux)