Comment 11 for bug 1501330

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Abreu (abreu-alexandre) wrote :

It is not specific to the container, a simple qml file such as:

import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import com.canonical.Oxide 1.8 as Oxide
import Ubuntu.Web 0.2
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3

WebView {
    url: ""

    contextualActions: ActionList {
        Action {
            text:"Copy link")
            objectName: "CopyLinkContextualAction"
            enabled: contextModel && contextModel.linkUrl.toString()
            onTriggered: Clipboard.push(["text/plain", contextModel.linkUrl.toString()])
        Action {
            text:"Cut link")
            objectName: "CutContextualAction"
            enabled: contextModel && contextModel.isEditable &&
                     (contextModel.editFlags & Oxide.WebView.CutCapability)

triggers the issue caused I think by a double free memory corruption,

It seems to be the case for apps that dont provide a custom contextMenu component, and use the default one.

Adding oxide to the bug,