Comment 34 for bug 1054299

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Jarno Suni (jarnos) wrote :

Theo, Xfce Bugzilla #10089 should be fixed.

Testing this is easiest with xscreensaver:

$ pkill light-locker (or whatever screen saver daemon is running.)
$ xscreensaver
(Install it first, if you have to.)

Setup long "fade to black when blancking" duration in the Advanced tab of Screensaver Preferences. Make sure lock when going to sleep is chosen in the security settings of Xfce4 power manager.

Suspend and resume

If desktop is shown some time before asking password, the bug exists.

That said, light-locker seems to be the only locker that Bug #904006 does not occur with (in Xubuntu). light-locker does not show desktop that long time, I suppose.