Comment 15 for bug 20204

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apelete (apelete) wrote :

These keys should be configured out of the box and work for all applications using "back" and "forward" functions, e.g. Nautilus, Firefox, Yelp....
Here's a hint I found on the net to enable the keys in xorg:
Basically in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/inet (ubuntu, other distros will vary) put:

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "thinkpad" {
    key <I6A> { [ XF86Back ] };
    key <I69> { [ XF86Forward ] };

(how do I generate those <I6A> numbers ? <I69> = keycode 233 and <I6A> = keycode 234 from xev point of view)

and then in the $inetkbds bit of /etc/X11/xkb/rules/base add "thinkpad". Once that is done, just select the "IBM thinkpad <random model numbers>" layout in gnome-keyboard-properties, and your back and forward buttons will 'just work' with no xmodmap messing.

I believe this is the correct way of doing things so it should be done by default.
I also know there's a special startup script which loads key mappings depending on the laptop model. Someone here might have ideas on how to extend it for keyboards, it's another possible solution....