Comment 1 for bug 1943564

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

Please can you explain why you're backporting rather than cherry-picking specific fixes here? If the diff is otherwise equivalent, why aren't you still intending to individually verify the specific fixes you need, as would be normal SRU process?

If you don't intend to verify each fix individually, then please explain how the package complies with the requirements listed at

> Additionally, the packages for amd64 are not really tested and won't be, so it is preferable to remove from the build.

This is not sufficient justification to remove a build from a stable Ubuntu release. Many packages in Ubuntu aren't specifically tested, and we don't routinely remove those.

> The package will disappear from amd64 arch, but anyway it was not really working and it is preferable to remove it rather than leaving people with a not working binary around.

Is it not working at all, or not "really" working but still effective for some user? In what way doesn't it work?