Comment 74 for bug 432814

Revision history for this message
Jason Gullifer (jgull8502) wrote :

Because of this change in behavior, the usability of my eeepc is severely degraded. On this netbook, it is nearly impossible to click both hardware buttons at once because of how they were designed, so I relied heavily on the two-finger tapping method. Now that is gone. Since the touch-pad is pretty small, the already difficult three-finger maneuver becomes impossible. Thus, having two-finger tapping as middle click is necessary. Now I'm left without a sane middle click option, no more highlight-paste buffer, no more easy opening of tabs in firefox, etc.

This switch in behavior seems unfounded to me. I'm dubious as to whether right click really is more frequently used than middle click for the majority of people; think of all the web browsing and copy-pasting that goes on.

At the very least, there should be an easy way to change this behavior from the Ubuntu options by default instead of relying on hacks to change it. Sometimes Ubuntu is really intuitive and easy to use... and other times it takes hours to figure out how to change touch-pad options.