Comment 21 for bug 21168

Revision history for this message
Rodrigo Novo (rodarvus) wrote :

If possible, it would be nice to check if you can still reproduce this problem with the current development of Ubuntu. 3D support was worked very hard on in the last few weeks, and the whole stack of relevant packages (libdrm, mesa, xorg-server and xserver-xorg-video-ati) have been updated.

Note that you won't need to reinstalll your machine. Our livecd attempts to boot and configure X.Org with the correct driver, and the best resolution possible.

You can download it from here ->

Finally, the *current* (20060823) image is broken (unrelated to X.Org), when/if you download it, please download the image from 20060824 onwards (when it becomes available)

Thanks in advance for the testing.