Comment 33 for bug 214119

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Martin-Éric Racine (q-funk) wrote :

After further testing, it turns out that:

1) Whether I use -amd or -geode, they still need to be specified in xorg.conf for the driver to be found by X. Otherwise, X reverts to -vesa. I probably missed that earlier, simply because I've always used an xorg.conf on workstations, to make sure I would get the right default keyboard map and color depth (but leaving resolutions undefined).

2) Using -amd (the earlier or the above with the backported libDDC patch), hosts booting from an LTSP chroot correctly auto-configure. Using -geode, X simply fails to launch completely. Here, it's a bit more strange since I'm pretty sure that it worked a week ago, when -geode was initially imported into Hardy.

I'm curious as to whether others can reproduce the above behavior on other Geode LX -based products?