Comment 30 for bug 1568604

Revision history for this message
Jens Herrmann (bugs-u) wrote :

I just got rid of this problem on 2 laptops by reconfiguring the displaymanager to gdm and back to lightdm

These are the steps it took:

1. sudo apt-get install gdm
2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, choose gdm3 here and reboot
3. To get a login screen I had to do CTRL ALT F1 and CTRL ALT F7
4. After login the mouse cursor is also missing, CTRL+ALT F1, CTRL+ALT F7 -> its there
5. sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, choose lightdm, reboot
6. login, go to STR and wake up, mouse cursor is there

Can anyone confirm this?