Change logs for games-thumbnails source package in Artful

  • games-thumbnails (20120227) unstable; urgency=low
      * Team upload.
      * The "finally a screenshots party" release!
      [ Petter Reinholdtsen ]
      * Ran ./fetch-thumbnails to add new thumbnails from  6 new screen shots added.
      [ Paul Wise ]
      * Support compressed debtags files in the screenshot fetcher
      * Run ./fetch-thumbnails, adding 55 new screen shots.
      * Choose dpkg-source format 1.0
      * Point at the new location of the copyright format spec
        and update to the Format/Upstream-Contact fields
        - now compliant with new Standards-Version
      * Switch to debhelper 7 rules.tiny style
      * Add missing xsabre, conquest-gl, freedoom thumbnails
      * Replace duplicate heroes-ggi image with link to heroes-sdl
      * Drop DMUA, Miriam is a DD now
      * Update the README and rename it, only useful for people
        who want to update the source package.
     -- Paul Wise <email address hidden>  Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:33:04 +0800