Change logs for gforth source package in Artful

  • gforth (0.7.3+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix the formatting of the 02-skip-install patch's DEP-3 header.
      * Use the HTTPS scheme for the copyright format specification URL.
      * Use single quotes around a variable that is expanded by make, not
        by the shell, in the rules file.
      * Build-depend on debhelper 10 now that it's even in jessie-backports.
      * Switch the watch file back to pgpsigurlmangle, since pgpmode=auto may
        silently ignore a missing upstream signature.
      * Use the v4 substitution variables in the watch file.
      * Add the 14-typos patch to correct some errors.
      * Bump the year on my debian/* copyright notice.
     -- Peter Pentchev <email address hidden>  Mon, 09 Jan 2017 12:40:01 +0200