Change logs for oolite source package in Artful

  • oolite (1.84-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Debhelper 10. Remove explicit target confusing dh.
      * Standards-Version: 4.0.1. Only suggest -doc.
        HTTPS copyright format URL. Handle DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nodoc.
      * Update espeak dependency to espeak-ng. Closes: #844639.
      * Replace handwritten preinst with dpkg-maintscript-helper invocation.
      * Allow -doc and -data to satisfy Multi-Arch: foreign dependencies.
      * Drop obsolete Break/Replace with 1.74.2-2.
      * Install now separate image files alongside html docs.
      [ Clint Adams <email address hidden> ]
      * Reproducible locale in docs. Closes: #847021.
     -- Nicolas Boulenguez <email address hidden>  Sun, 13 Aug 2017 14:28:04 +0200
  • oolite (1.84-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream version. Patches:
       - Initialize NSDate before playing with threads. Closes: #833134.
         Thanks to Ivan Vučica and Richard Frith-Macdonald.
       - Simplify preprocessor variables data flow, fixing minor issues.
       - Generating manifest.plist even without Xcode.
       - Remove various GCC or lintian style warnings.
       - Merge two existing patches improving desktop file.
      * Enable all hardening flags.
      * Install docs as (good) .odt and (ugly) HTML, but no more as (bad) PDF.
      * Switch to uscan version: 4 and Standards-Version: 3.9.8.
      * GNUstep now set -g by default, remove related tricks.
      * No need to install README.source in binary packages.
     -- Nicolas Boulenguez <email address hidden>  Tue, 02 Aug 2016 04:11:48 +0200