Change logs for pyneighborhood source package in Artful

  • pyneighborhood (0.5.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * QA upload.
      * New upstream release.
      * debian/control:
          - Bump Standards-Version from 3.9.3 to 3.9.8
          - Vcs-Browser using https.
          - Vcs-Svn using canonical URI.
          - Build-Depends:
              - dh-python added.
          - Depends:
              - gnome-keyring added. Thanks Chad William Seys. (Closes: #733873)
              - python-pyatspi added.
              - python-glade2 removed.
      * debian/copyright updated.
      * debian/install:
          - added:
              - icons/
              - ui/
              - pyNeighborhood.desktop
          - entry about menu file removed.
      * debian/menu:
          - menu and xpm files removed. Using .desktop file.
      * debian/patches/:
          - desktop-file-fix.patch created.
      * debian/pycompat:
          - removed. obsolete.
      * debian/rules:
          - pybuild system:
              - NAME
              - BEFORE_INSTALL:
                  - make messages files.
              - AFTER_INSTALL:
                  - rm debug file.
                  - clean messages files.
          - path to locale files fixed.
          - only one override:
              - dh_install_changelogs
      * debian/watch:
          - version 4
          - check-gpg-signature off. Key has expired.
     -- Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto <email address hidden>  Thu, 11 Aug 2016 14:28:03 -0300