Change logs for ikiwiki source package in Bionic

  • ikiwiki (3.20180228-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release
        - core: Don't send relative redirect URLs when behind a reverse proxy
        - core: Escape backticks etc. in directive error messages as HTML
          entities so that the error message is not subsequently parsed as
        - mdwn: Enable fenced code blocks, PHP Markdown Extra-style definition
          lists and GitHub-style extensions to HTML tag syntax when used with
          Discount >= 2.2.0 (Closes: #888055)
        - img: Fix auto-detection of image format (if enabled, which is
          strongly discouraged) with ImageMagick >= 6.9.8-3
        - rst: Use Python 3 instead of Python 2
        - build: `set -e` before each `for` loop, so that errors are reliably
        - build: Use if/then instead of `||` so that the `-e` flag works
        - build: Ensure that pm_to_blib finishes before rewriting shebang lines
        - t: Make the img test pass with ImageMagick >= 6.9.8-3
          (Closes: #891647)
      * Stop rewriting shebang lines of Python 3 scripts
     -- Simon McVittie <email address hidden>  Wed, 28 Feb 2018 10:48:32 +0000
  • ikiwiki (3.20180105-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Switch to non-native packaging
        - d/control: Move packaging from upstream git to
        - d/copyright: Set Source to
        - d/gbp.conf: Configure for a non-native package
        - d/source/format: set to 3.0 (quilt)
        - d/watch: Look for new releases in upstream git
      * New upstream release
        - d/copyright: Drop stanzas for files no longer shipped
      * Change rst plugin's interpreter from Python 2 to Python 3
      * Remove unused Lintian overrides for duplicate word false positives
      * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.3
      * Use recommended debhelper compat level 11
     -- Simon McVittie <email address hidden>  Sat, 06 Jan 2018 23:20:11 +0000
  • ikiwiki (3.20171001) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Joey Hess ]
      * htmlscrubber: Add support for the video tag's loop and muted
        attributes. Those were not in the original html5 spec, but have been
        added in the whatwg html living standard and have wide browser support.
      * emailauth, passwordauth: Avoid leaving cgisess_* files in the
        system temp directory.
      [ Simon McVittie ]
      * core: Don't decode the result of strftime if it is already tagged as
        UTF-8, as it might be since Perl >= 5.21.1. (Closes: #869240)
      * img: Strip metadata from resized images when the deterministic config
        option is set. Thanks, intrigeri
      * receive: Avoid asprintf() in IkiWiki::Receive, to avoid implicit
        declaration, potential misbehaviour on 64-bit platforms, and lack
        of portability to non-GNU platforms
      * t: Add a regression test for untrusted git push
      * receive: Fix untrusted git push with git (>= 2.11) by passing through
        the necessary environment variables to make the quarantine area work
      * debian: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.1
      [ Amitai Schleier ]
      * l10n: Fix the build with po4a 0.52, by ensuring that msgstr ends
        with a newline if and only if msgid does
     -- Simon McVittie <email address hidden>  Sun, 01 Oct 2017 16:32:01 +0100
  • ikiwiki (3.20170622) unstable; urgency=medium
      * t/git-cgi.t: Wait 1 second before doing a revert that should work.
        This hopefully fixes a race condition in which the test failed
        around 6% of the time. (Closes: 862494)
      * Guard against set-but-empty REMOTE_USER CGI variable on
        misconfigured nginx servers, and in general treat sessions with
        a set-but-empty name as if they were not signed in.
      * When the CGI fails, print the error to stderr, not "Died"
      * mdwn: Don't mangle <style> into <elyts> under some circumstances
      * mdwn: Enable footnotes by default when using the default Discount
        implementation. A new mdwn_footnotes option can be used to disable
        footnotes in MultiMarkdown and Discount.
      * mdwn: Don't enable alphabetically labelled ordered lists by
        default when using the default Discount implementation. A new
        mdwn_alpha_list option can be used to restore the old
      * osm: Convert savestate hook into a changes hook. savestate is not
        the right place to write wiki content, and in particular this
        breaks websetup if osm's dependencies are not installed, even
        if the osm plugin is not actually enabled. (Closes: #719913)
      * toc: if the heading is of the form <h1 id="...">, use that for
        the link in the table of contents (but continue to generate
        <a name="index42"></a> in case someone was relying on it)
      * color: Do not leak markup into contexts that take only the plain
        text, such as toc
      * meta: Document [[!meta name="foo" content="bar"]]
      * debian: Use preferred https URL for Format of debian/copyright
      * debian: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.0.0
     -- Simon McVittie <email address hidden>  Thu, 22 Jun 2017 09:24:57 +0100