Change logs for libmodule-install-automanifest-perl source package in Bionic

  • libmodule-install-automanifest-perl (0.003-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
      * Update Vcs-Browser URL to cgit web frontend
      * Update Vcs-* headers for switch to
      [ gregor herrmann ]
      * Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
      * Add build and runtime dependency on libmodule-install-perl.
        (Closes: #896541)
      * Use HTTPS for Copyright-Format URL in debian/copyright.
      * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
      * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.4.
      * Mention module name in debian/control.
     -- gregor herrmann <email address hidden>  Sun, 22 Apr 2018 17:18:29 +0200
  • libmodule-install-automanifest-perl (0.003-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
      * Change Vcs-Git URI to use canonical hostname (
      [ Jonas Smedegaard ]
      * Add README.source emphasizing file as *not* a
        show-stopper for contributions, referring to wiki page for details.
      * Update copyright info:
        + Shorten comments about convenience code copies.
        + Fix use pseudo-license and pseudo-comment sections to obey silly
          restrictions of copyright format 1.0.
        + Extend coverage of packaging, and bump its licensing to GPL-3+.
      * Fix use canonical Vcs-Git URL.
      * Bump standards-compliance to 3.9.5.
      * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8: No newer features needed,
        and corresponding version is satisfied even in oldstable.
      * Update watch file to use and URLs (not URL), and avoid development releases.
      * Relax to build-depend unversioned on cdbs: Needed version satisfied
        even in oldstable.
     -- Jonas Smedegaard <email address hidden>  Tue, 03 Jun 2014 10:21:48 +0200