Change logs for manuel source package in Bionic

  • manuel (1.8.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      [ Barry Warsaw ]
      * Now that dh-python and zope.testing have been fixed, the patch for is no longer necessary.
      [ Daniel Stender |
      * deb/control:
        + put team into Maintainer field (unconfirmed team uploads).
        + removed myself from Maintainer.
        + dropped Testsuite field (deprecated).
        + bumped standards to 3.9.8 (no changes needed).
      * deb/copyright:
        + corrected a typo.
      [ Ondřej Nový ]
      * Fixed VCS URL (https)
     -- Daniel Stender <email address hidden>  Thu, 30 Jun 2016 19:37:40 +0200