Change logs for nipype source package in Bionic

  • nipype (1.0.0+git69-gdb2670326-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fresh upstream post-release snapshot
      * debian/control
        - upstream requires traits 4.5.0:

     -- Yaroslav Halchenko <email address hidden>  Sun, 11 Feb 2018 00:10:19 -0500
  • nipype (0.14.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fresh upstream release
        - dropped debian/patches/up*
        - should not FTBFS any longer (Closes: #848777)
      * debian/control
        - boosted debhelper to 9
        - boosted debian policy to 4.1.2
        - added python-packaging to build-depends and depends
        - downgraded cfflib to Recommends and removed from B-Depends
          (no longer developed etc)
      * debian/patches
        - make sphinx.ext.imgmath optionally needed
     -- Yaroslav Halchenko <email address hidden>  Tue, 19 Dec 2017 14:14:49 -0500