Change logs for sbackup source package in Bionic

  • sbackup (0.11.6-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low
      * new upstream version (lp: #1286532)
        - XFCE4 added to list of supported desktop environments to enable
          status indicator on xfce4
        - fix for bug 632605 merged. Thanks to Mascha
        - added french desktop entry
      * debian/rules
        - targets build-arch and build-indep added
      * debian/control
        - increased min debhelper to 9.
        - increased Standards-Version to 3.9.4.
      * debian/compat
        - increased to latest version
      * [Fix] LP: #1174124 Catch invalid path selections to avoid TypeErrors
                  when coercing to Unicode
      * [Fix] LP: #1159705 set default setting for log level as string.
      * [Fix] LP: #1190224 Restore behaviour of GioOperations.path_exists.
      * [Fix] LP: #632605. Thanks to Mascha
     -- Jean-Peer Lorenz <email address hidden>   Mon, 24 Feb 2014 19:11:41 +0100