Change logs for vcsh source package in Bionic

  • vcsh (1.20151229-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release
        + Release 1.20151229
        + Fix tests to always use C locale, this makes vcsh reproducible
        + Implement `vcsh foreach`
        + Implement `vcsh list-untracked -a`
        + Handle Git older than 2.x gracefully
        + Fix broken list-tracked-by
        + Fix regression in `vcsh which`
        + Skip ignored files in the output of list-untracked
        + Improve cloning
        + Clean up docs
        + Implement `vcsh status --terse`
        + Improve tests
     -- Richard Hartmann <email address hidden>  Tue, 29 Dec 2015 20:28:57 +0100