Change logs for dhcpcd source package in Breezy

  • dhcpcd (1:1.3.22pl4-22) unstable; urgency=low
        * Gut the preinst and postinst scripts. Now that Sarge is
          released, we no longer need to carry baggage for upgrading from
        * Add a comment to /etc/dhcpc/config in attempt to avoid confusion
          over which interface it applies to. (closes: #311495)
        * Fix the value of the "Maximum message size" option. This value
          includes the IP and UDP headers, and it's minium value is therefore
          576, according to RFC2131.	
        * Fix a security hole. A malformed DHCP packet could crash dhcpcd.
     -- Simon Kelley <email address hidden>  Mon, 27 Jun 2005 21:23:21 +0100