Change logs for slim source package in Cosmic

  • slim (1.3.6-5.1ubuntu1) artful; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
        - Fix FTBFS due to not finding ft2build.h header.
          (Seems a ubuntu only change as package builds fine in debian).
    slim (1.3.6-5.1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * slim.service: Drop BusName=, fixing endless (re-)start loop under systemd.
        Thanks Aggelos Avgerinos <email address hidden> for testing.
        (Closes: #861474)
      * slim.service: Drop Conflicts=plymouth-quit.service and
        OnFailure=plymouth-quit.service, as slim does not stop plymouth by itself.
        Retain After=plymouth-quit.service for correct ordering though, which
        should be sufficient to solve #860465.
    slim (1.3.6-5) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix bugged Debian-Lines theme. (Closes: #776693)
        Thanks HJ <email address hidden>
      * Fix missing handling of plymouth by replace plymouth-quit.service since
        slim will quit plymouth by itself. (Closes: #860465)
      * Add The Soft Lines theme and set as default.
      * Drop Lenny themes.
      * Add lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) to depends.
     -- Bhavani Shankar <email address hidden>  Sat, 06 May 2017 10:54:39 +0530