Change logs for squid3 source package in Cosmic

  • squid3 (3.5.27-1ubuntu2) cosmic; urgency=medium
      * Update apparmor profile to grant read access to squid binary (LP: #1792728)
     -- Simon Deziel <email address hidden>  Sat, 15 Sep 2018 13:55:32 -0400
  • squid3 (3.5.27-1ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium
      * Merge with Debian unstable (LP: #1751286). Remaining changes:
        - Add additional dep8 tests.
        - Use snakeoil certificates.
        - Add an example refresh pattern for debs.
        - Add disabled by default AppArmor profile.
        - Enable autoreconf. This is no longer required for the security updates,
          but is needed for the seddery of test-suite/ in
        - Correct attribution and add explanatory note in d/NEWS.debian.
        - Drop Conflicts/Replaces of squid against squid3. In Ubuntu, the migration
          happened in Xenial, so no upgrade path still requires this code. This
          reduces upgrade ordering difficulty.
        - Adjust seddery for upstream test squid binary location.
        - Revert "Set pidfile for systemd's sysv-generator" from Debian.
        - Drop wrong short-circuiting of various invocations; we always want to
          call the debhelper block.
        - GCC7 FTBFS fixes (LP #1712668):
          + d/rules: don't error when hitting the "deprecated" and
           "format-truncation" gcc7 warnings. Upstream 3.5.27 has fixes for these,
           but one in that affects 32bit builds was deemed too intrusive
           for the 3.5 stable series and is only in squid 4.x
      * Dropped changes:
        - debian/patches/gcc7-squidpurge-4695.patch: GCC 7 build errors.
          Thanks to Lubos Uhliarik <email address hidden>.
          [Already applied upstream]
        - debian/patches/gcc7-assert-wants-boolean.patch: assert() takes a
          boolean.  Thanks to Amos Jeffries <email address hidden>
          [Already applied upstream]
        - SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service in ESI Response processing
          + debian/patches/CVE-2018-1000024.patch: make sure endofName never
            exceeds tagEnd in src/esi/
          + CVE-2018-1000024
            [Added in 3.5.27-1]
        - SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service in in HTTP Message processing
          + debian/patches/CVE-2018-1000027.patch: fix indirect IP logging for
            transactions without a client connection in
          + CVE-2018-1000027
            [Included in 3.5.27-1]
      * Added changes:
        - Do not force gcc-6
    squid3 (3.5.27-1) unstable; urgency=high
      [ Amos Jeffries <email address hidden> ]
      * New Upstream Release
      * debian/{control,rules}
        - Add temporary dependency on gcc-6 and g++-6 to workaround FTBFS in
      * debian/patches/
        - Fix security issue SQUID-2018:1 (CVE-2016-1000024) (Closes: #888719)
        - Fix security issue SQUID-2018:2 (CVE-2016-1000027) (Closes: #888720)
      [ Luigi Gangitano <email address hidden> ]
      * debian/control
        - Changed priority to optional for squid3 and squid-dbg
        - Removed unneeded Build-Dep on autotools-dev
      * debian/rules
        - Include dpkg-architecture Makefile instead of invoking the binary at
          build time
      * debian/squid.postinst
        - Remove recursive chown calls
     -- Andreas Hasenack <email address hidden>  Tue, 27 Feb 2018 08:09:21 -0300