Change logs for typecatcher source package in Cosmic

  • typecatcher (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
       - Port to gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 (Closes: #866654).
      * Add debian/watch file.
      * debian/control:
       - Depend on gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 and drop gir1.2-webkit-3.0.
       - "Extra" priority has been deprecated; now "optional."  
       - Move to "fonts" section (Closes: #820386). 
       - Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.0.
      * Bump debian/compat to 10. 
     -- Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <email address hidden>  Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:48:32 -0400