Change logs for xjig source package in Disco

  • xjig (2.4-14.1) unstable; urgency=low
      * NMU (Closes: #886455).
      * Added icon (xjig.xpm) and keywords field to desktop file
        (Closes: #738068).
      * Switch to two desktop files: xjig and xjig-random.
      * Removed article on debian/control Description field.
      * Migrated to Standards-Version 4.1.3.
        + Added debian/compat file.
        + Debhelper and compat level to 10.
        + Added debian/source/format file.
        + Added ${misc:Depends} on debian/control Depends field.
        + Rewrote debian/rules with dh $@ (Closes: #777355).
          Added dir, install and manpages debian files.
      * Added debian/watch file (xjig
        does not have an active web address).
      * Added 2 patches to fix typo errors on source code.
      * Removed debian/menu file.
        - Removed postinst, postrm and prerm debian files.
      * Added patch to simulate an initial "End" keypress to
        bring all pieces into view (Closes: #417916).
      * Converted debian/copyright to DEP-5.
      * Modified the xjig-random patch to add a file extension filter
        and home pictures directory.
      * Added patch (by Seth Heeren) to prevent crash on
        completion of puzzle (LP: #787035).
      * Added patch (by Alan Curry) to prevent beeps on completing
        (Closes: #610122).
     -- Innocent De Marchi <email address hidden>  Tue, 27 Mar 2018 18:29:25 +0200