Change logs for python-daphne source package in Eoan

  • python-daphne (2.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Ondřej Nový ]
      * Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0.
      [ Michael Fladischer ]
      * New upstream release.
      * Bump python3-asgiref to (>= 3~) in Build-Depends.
      * Bump debhelper version to 12.
     -- Michael Fladischer <email address hidden>  Thu, 01 Aug 2019 13:34:00 +0200
  • python-daphne (2.2.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
     -- Michael Fladischer <email address hidden>  Thu, 07 Feb 2019 09:26:43 +0100