Change logs for uptimed source package in Eoan

  • uptimed (1:0.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Adopt the package. (Closes: #915816)
      * Fix Vcs-Browser header.
      * Update short description to fit the new one-package layout.
      * Set "Rules-Requires-Root: no".
      * Add a DEP-12 debian/upstream/metadata file.
      * Create debian/clean to clean up leftover debian/uptimed.conf.5 file.
      * Clean up debian/rules:
        + Don't run dh_clean in build target, use debian/clean instead.
        + Call onsgmls inside the debian directory. Calling mv no more needed.
        + Don't override dh_install for "make install", but dh_auto_install.
        + Actually use dh_auto_install instead of "$(MAKE) install" with
          Debian's default parameters.
        + Shorten some multiline commands using a variable for a common path.
        + Use plain "cp" instead of "install -D -m 644" since directory is
          already created via dh_installdirs.
      * Fix debian/gbp.conf:
        + Declare actually used upstream branch (master).
        + Drop what is default anyway (compression = xz).
        + Don't use the same tag syntax for Debian as upstream does, i.e. drop
          the non-standard upstream tag syntax declaration.
      * Import upstream version 0.4.1.
        + Switches from utmp.h to utmpx.h.
        + Documentation updates
        + Drop spelling-fixes.patch, applied upstream.
      * Drop redundant entries from debian/uptimed.{install,manpages,dirs}.
      * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.3.0. (No changes needed.)
      * Apply "wrap-and-sort -a".
     -- Axel Beckert <email address hidden>  Tue, 19 Feb 2019 22:25:52 +0100