Change logs for fonts-uralic source package in Focal

  • fonts-uralic (0.0.20040829-6) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * debian/rules: set TZ=UTC when calling unzip to reproducibly extract the
        files during build. Based on a patch by Z.Ren - thanks! (Closes: #854362)
      * Bump standards to 4.1.0, no changes needed.
      * Bump debian/compat to 10 and build-depend on debhelper >= 10.2.5~.
      * Use https URL for Vcs-Browser.
      * Add debian/lintian-overrides because we use the path to test the existence
        of that command.
     -- Holger Levsen <email address hidden>  Wed, 27 Sep 2017 13:02:17 +0200