Change logs for harden-doc source package in Focal

  • harden-doc (3.19) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña ]
      * Add installation override
      * debian/control:
        - Update the repository to point to Salsa
        - Update list of translations available (although not
          fully up to date)
      [ Marcos Fouces ]
      * Team upload.
      * Rename properly original english files and directories.
      * Semi-manual migration to XML (Closes: #613000)
      * Move changelog info to Revision_History.xml.
      * Add Publican build apparatus. Credits go for debian-handbook.
      * Create *.pot files
      * Add [de-DE] *.po files and merge with po4a original de.po file.
      * Add [fr-FR] *.po files merged with po4a fr.po file.
      * Add [es-ES] *.po files and move translated *.sgml's to separate dir.
        Use po4a-gettextize to extract msgid/msgstr strings.
      * Add [it-IT] *.po files and move translated *.sgml's to separate dir.
        Use po4a-gettextize to extract msgid/msgstr strings.
      * Add [jp-JA] *.po files and move translated *.sgml's to separate dir.
        Use po4a-gettextize to extract msgid/msgstr strings.
      * Add [pt-BR] *.po files and move translated *.sgml's to separate dir.
        Use po4a-gettextize to extract msgid/msgstr strings.
      * Add russian *.po files and move translated *.sgml's to separate dir.
        No strings imported.
      * Add [zh-CN] *.po files and move translated *.sgml's to separate dir.
        Use po4a-gettextize to extract msgid/msgstr strings.
      * Remove obsoleted files.
      * Rewrite rules file to reflect changes in build system.
      * Change priority to optional to obey policy.
      * debian/compat: Bump to dh compat version 11.
      * debian/control:
        - Set proper build-depends for Publican build system.
        - Bump to standards-version 4.1.3
        - Set proper Vcs-* values.
      * Import repository to git. Create tags for all versions.
     -- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <email address hidden>  Sun, 13 May 2018 13:05:17 +0200