Change logs for latex-cjk-chinese-arphic source package in Focal

  • latex-cjk-chinese-arphic (1.23) unstable; urgency=low
      * The "Descriptive descriptions" release.
      * []
         - Change copyright year and my mail address;
         - use Copyright Format 1.0.
      * Bug fix: "descripton of this package is misleading", thanks to Liu
        Binsheng (Closes: #666395).
        - [control*]
          - Fix the templates that generate debian/control.
      * Bug fix: "outdated embedded data copy: aglfn", thanks to Paul Wise
        (Closes: #709585).
        - [control*, latex-cjk/aglfn13.txt, latex-cjk/,
 , README.Debian]
           - Remove latex-cjk/aglfn13.txt (v1.1) and depend on the `aglfn'
             Debian package which contains version 1.7 of the Adobe Glyph
             List For New Fonts.  Update latex-cjk/ to point to
             the aglfn.txt file from the `aglfn' package.
      * [compat]
         - Bump up version from v7 to v9.
      * []
         - Bump up Standards-Version from 3.8.3 to 3.9.4; changes: build-indep
           and build-arch are now required in d/rules.
      * [rules]
         - Switch from dh_clean to dh_prep;
         - add a "sed" line to replace @PROVIDESFILE@ in;
         - insert build-indep and build-arch targets; let's hope I did it
      * []
         - Change the hard-coded "c70gkai.fd" into @PROVIDESFILE@.
     -- Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) <email address hidden>  Sat, 06 Jul 2013 00:18:51 +0800