Change logs for paris-traceroute source package in Focal

  • paris-traceroute (0.93+git20160927-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * This package now follows libparistraceroute development at it's new
        home on GitHub:
      * Package adopted by the Internet Measurement Packaging Team (Closes: #745000)
      * debian/control:
       - Maintainer set to pkg-netmeasure
       - Uploaders set to myself
       - Vcs-* fields set to pkg-netmeasure repositories
       - Homepage updated to reflect the new upstream source
       - Now building new binary packages for libparistraceroute
      * debian/copyright:
       - Upstream sources are now licensed as LGPL-3
      * debian/compat:
       - Compat level bumped to 9
      * debian/rules:
       - Using modern dh format
      * debian/source/format:
       - Switch to "3.0 (quilt)"
      * debian/watch:
       - New watch file to track upstream releases on GitHub
     -- Iain R. Learmonth <email address hidden>  Thu, 29 Sep 2016 03:34:42 +0100