libmaven-enforcer-plugin-java binary package in Ubuntu Focal arm64

 Enforcer is a Maven build rule execution framework.
 Maven Enforcer Plugin provides goals to control certain environmental
 constraints such as Maven version, JDK version and OS family along with many
 more standard rules:
  * alwaysPass - Always passes... used to test plugin configuration.
  * alwaysFail - Always fail... used to test plugin configuration.
  * bannedDependencies - enforces that excluded dependencies aren't included.
  * evaluateBeanshell - evaluates a beanshell script.
  * requireReleaseDeps - enforces that no snapshots are included as
  * requireReleaseVersion - enforces that the artifact is not a snapshot.
  * requireMavenVersion - enforces the Maven version.
  * requireJavaVersion - enforces the JDK version.
  * requireOS - enforces the OS / CPU Archictecture.
  * requirePluginVersions - enforces that all plugins have a specified version.
  * requireProperty - enforces the existence and values of properties.
  * requireFilesDontExist - enforces that the list of files do not exist.
  * requireFilesExist - enforces that the list of files do exist.
  * requireFilesSize - enforces that the list of files exist and are within a
    certain size range.
 Custom rules are easy to make with the maven-enforcer-rule-api.

Publishing history

Date Status Target Pocket Component Section Priority Phased updates Version
  2019-10-18 09:15:30 UTC Published Ubuntu Focal arm64 release universe java Optional 3.0.0~M2-1
  • Published
  • Copied from ubuntu cosmic-proposed amd64 in Primary Archive for Ubuntu