Change logs for bibtex2html source package in Groovy

  • bibtex2html (1.99-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Make this an architecture-dependent package:
        - set Architecture=any
        - fix patch charset, to use the unix module also for compilation to
          native code.
        - debian/rules: auto_build override conditional on whether this is an
          ocaml native architecture or not
        - debian/rules: auto_test override conditional on whether this is an
          ocaml native architecture or not
        - Depends: add {shlibs:Depends}
      * debian/ruies : drop override of dh_auto_install: we don't need it anymore
        since the upstream Makefile does the right thing for native and bytecode
      * debian/rules: drop override of dh_strip which is no longer needed.
      * Apply patch by James Van Zandt that adds many translations of
        math-related symbols. Thanks a lot for the patch! (closes: #921278)
      * Apply patch by James Van Zandt that adds translations of
        accentuated characters. Thanks a lot for the patch! (closes: #921593)
      * Standards-version 4.4.1 (no change)
      * Build-depend on debhelper-compat instead of debhelper. Remove
        debian/compat file.
      * Debhelper compatibility level 12.
      * debian/copyright: update copyright years.
     -- Ralf Treinen <email address hidden>  Sun, 13 Oct 2019 12:14:52 +0200