Change logs for dict-devil source package in Hoary

  • dict-devil (1.0-8) unstable; urgency=low
      * Edited devils.txt: 
        under LAUREL s/_vide supra_/LAUREATE/ (vide supra
          is not appropraite when only one entry is displayed by dict).
        The following correct typos in the original:
          under FRYING-PAN s/broiling in/broiling is/
          under I s/clearer the/clearer to the/
          under K s/pums/puns/
          under PRE-ADAMITE s/race of antedated/race that antedated/
          under RICE-WATER s/fat which/fat witch/
      * Used modified devil2dict from Matej Vela <email address hidden> instead of
        my sedscript for pre-processing devils.txt.  This indexes multi-word,
        hyphenated, and apostrophized headwords. Closes: #222494.  This includes
        the fix provided by Grant Hollingworth <email address hidden> in Bug
        #221190.  Closes: #221190.  Thanks, Grant and Matej,
     -- Bob Hilliard <email address hidden>  Fri, 26 Dec 2003 17:52:12 -0500