Change logs for doc-debian source package in Impish

  • doc-debian (6.5) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Changes by Joost van Baal-Ilić ]
      - doc/Makefile: apply patch contributed by intrigeri in
        <email address hidden>: "Once applied, doc-debian can be built
        reproducibly in our current experimental framework."  This fixes an
        issue reported earlier by Daniel Kahn Gillmor: "currently, lynx
        produces text output on the basis of the locale.  this means that as
        the locale differs, the generated .txt files change." (Closes: #791673,
      - debian/control: move from Vcs-Svn on aka Alioth
        (which was long gone) to Vcs-Git at (Closes: #922929)
      - doc/constitution.wml, doc/constitution.1.6.wml: add missing end of
        sentence "er than V(D,A)." in Item A.6.3.2, cf Thanks Kurt Roeckx and Paul
        Gevers. See also Bug #896067.
      - debian/control: add myself to uploaders after OK from Javier
        Fernández-Sanguino Peña in private communication (Message-ID:
        <email address hidden>).
     -- Joost van Baal-Ilić <email address hidden>  Fri, 01 Jan 2021 14:27:12 +0100